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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

If They Really Know Me

I have heard it said, “The word “if” is the smallest word in the world with the largest impact.” Many things have started and ended on the hinges of the little word “if.” If you think about it, wars were started and ended, marriage dates have been set, tests were taken and graduation day came, situations were magnified and reduced, all because of the little word “if.”

Imaginations have soared resulting in books and movies all from the little word “if.” Dreams became reality. Faith was increased hinged on the little word “if.”

This little word denotes a choice. Choices are made every day hinged on the little word “if.” Will you choose to be or do one or the other?

True love is found when one person comes to know another person. The person doesn’t see the imperfections but is captivated by words and actions from the other’s heart. We want to prove our love for another when we know them. We have made the choice and speak words and do things that are pleasing to bless that person’s life.

To know Jesus is to know true love. As we develop the mind of Christ we become true love personified. We give the world a bright impression of God. The encouragement of His love for us comes through if we know Him.

Jesus calls out your name as He did to Peter on that morning at breakfast, “—–, do you truly love Me?” You say, “I love you, Lord.” Jesus said, “Feed My lambs” (John 21:15).  I believe Jesus is telling us that if you love Me, you will share Me with others. Once we make the choice, we do tell.

We can prove our love for Jesus today and ask Him to help us be creative in expressing His love for people. If we ask Him, “How might I speak to this one?” He may whisper to your heart, “If………..”

Father, I thank you for sending Jesus. He is my true love. His perfect love prepares my mind to express His love to others more that they may come to know Him. You have filled my heart with good things to share as I come to know You more. All glory to Jesus.

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