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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

My Precious Child

I am so glad the Lord gave you to me. I remember so clearly the day you were born. I remember how privileged I felt that God had let me have this beautiful baby. I didn’t know the Lord on a personal level but I did have a profound sense that God was looking at me through your sweet face. After all, the Lord says, “I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born” (Isaiah 44:2).

I was in awe of my marvelous gift. I can’t tell you how I felt such a wondrous responsibility. I couldn’t put it all together then because I was not born again, not until later in life. Through the years of raising you, I could feel the Lord using my little child to draw me to Him to come to know Him. You were a challenge at times. I think that I probably was a challenge as a mother for you too. Since you became a parent, I know that you can probably relate to what I am saying.

After I came to the knowledge of the Lord’s salvation, I understood the significance of His word as His love letter to His children. Isn’t He awesome? The God of all creation speaks to us in our hearts and through His word. He so loves and cares for us like a compassionate Father and child relationship. I am reminded of His love and care for me as so complete that even the hairs on my head are numbered (Mat.10:30).

I found out that, “Elshaddai,” one of the names of God, means breasty one. He cares for His children. He nurtures us, drawing us into His loving arms; whispering to us in a myriad of ways. He desires to share His life through us. We become His pulse to others; His very heartbeat pulsing amongst His children.

He gives us a will of our own so that we can choose Him, some not choosing Him. I realized that once I chose Him that I should find out what He expects of me. His purposes are clarified in His word. The Awesome God of the universe wants to use me as an instrument for His purpose (2 Tim.2:21). As I walk in His ways, I am fulfilling His purpose for my life.

There have been times when I have wanted to do it my way. He let me, just as a loving father does because in His wisdom He knows that we learn by applying His word or not applying it. When we make the connection of the importance of making Him first, we are in concert with Him. He can take even our mistakes and turn them into something beautiful for His glory (Rom.8:28).

You are so privileged because He has given you gifts to provide an example. Your children are gifts from Him. The Lord says, “Let Jesus be your example” (1 Peter 2:21). All those born of His Spirit became children of God through His Son. You are never alone because His Spirit resides in you. He has made your heart His home and waits to hear you speak to Him. He desires to become intricately involved in every aspect of your life. He knows your every need and discusses these with the Father in His very throne room (Rom.8:34).

I am so amazed at the way the Lord shows us in His word the path He has designed for us in His Master Plan. We can choose to yield to be part of His plan or not, even as His children. I have chosen to be raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord because I have discovered that is the only way I can fulfill His purpose for my life. I would not want to grieve His plan because I know in my heart and from learning more about Him in His word that I would miss all He has for me. He says that He has a good plan for me, a plan for a future and hope (Jer.29:11). I know He has that plan for all His children.

I see the Lord in you, my precious child. I know as you grow up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord that you will be fulfilling His purpose and He will see to all His plans for you. Serve Him, my child and become all He wants you to be. Do not be afraid to be what He wants you to become. As you seek His face, your uniqueness will appear and the light of His Spirit will shine through you.

This is my prayer for you. In the Precious Name of Jesus. 

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