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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

Willingness to be Used for His Purpose

All the flower petals that we pluck in life should be our “willingness” to choose the demonstration of love. True love should be revealed not as chance but as a choice to demonstrate “willingness” every time a petal of a flower is plucked. It should not be “here’s a willingness * here’s an unwillingness * here’s a willingness* here’s an unwillingness*”

This might sound romantic or seem to be a silly display of our love for another but; above all, we know this is a game of chance. It is a game of chance, of course, unless the flower petals are counted ahead of time and we know how the counting will turn out. Then it is no longer a game of chance but becomes a choice to be willing. If you want her to be part of your life, you arranged those flower petals to fall into place by an act of your will. If you had a petal ending with “she loves me not,” you plucked that one off before the game started so that the game would end in your favor.

I think of different situations that have required a willingness each day. Whether it’s a commitment to marriage, to a sick spouse, to a child, to people you love, to pray, to be consistent with studies, to say and do acts of kindness, to give and forgive.

The Lord has a requirement for our faith. He wants us to be willing to show our faith through a demonstration of good works. He says, “Faith that doesn’t show itself by good works is no faith at all” (James 2:17 TLB). We joyfully and willingly do these things because we love God and others. The Word, spoken by James says, “Believing is useless without doing what God wants you to do. Faith that does not result in good deeds is not real faith” (James 2:20 TLB). I can just hear my Father say, “Are you willing to show your love for Me with your good works? If you say you love Me, there must be a willingness from you to do good works.”

I heard a pastor say, “Faith is belief with legs on it.” That little statement impacted my thinking. I thought, “My faith only takes me where I am willing to go.” So, “here’s willingness*here’s another willingness*here’s a willingness *”

Father, I love You and want to thank You for Who You are and for loving me. I ask You to show me ways to show my faith willingly on this day. I want to be sensitive to Your voice when You show me a person being drawn to You. In Jesus’ name.

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