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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

Santa Serves Him

In my study of the real Santa, I thought, “would the real Santa please stand up?” I found St. Nicholas. He was a Bishop during the Fourth Century, a child of God, a saint and a Christian who put Jesus first at the center of his life, ministry, and entire existence. Saint Nicholas has set traditions to demonstrate the true center of Christmas.  He recognized the true gift of why we are called Christians. We become Christ in likeness when we receive the gift of God’s Son (John 3:16). We are loved by God and called to be saints (Rom. 1:7) and want to share this gift with others.

Saint Nicholas shared gifts with children, demonstrating to all that we could become children of God too by receiving the gift of His Son. He shared by blessing others with gifts in celebration of the birth of the Christ Child.

His name was changed to the American, “Santa Claus” as a phonetic alteration from the German, “Sankt Niklaus” and Dutch, “Sinterklass.”

Santa Claus loved Jesus too, served Him relentlessly and still does today. He was a godly example of giving and sharing what God had entrusted to him. We love following in his example and blessing others in celebration of Jesus birthday!

Father, we are so thankful for children of God such as Santa’s that share the gospel of giving the most wonderful gift of all, Your most precious Son, Jesus Christ.

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