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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

Harvest is Plentiful

Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful.” I can just hear Him say, “Reach this one for Me.” When Jesus walked the earth, He saw people, not as a mass of humanity, but individuals whom He loved. Many had a form of religion but didn’t know the reality of God in their lives. His heart was moved with compassion for them.

The Greek word for compassion is defined as an intense yearning for feeling from the depths of His inmost being. The Bible says, Jesus was moved with compassion and healed them. He saw these as sheep needing a shepherd (Mat.9:35- 36). When we look at others through His eyes, in shops, airports, work, banks, restaurants, neighborhoods, streets, and everywhere, we can be moved with compassion and see their needs. Even if we can reach only one, we can pray, asking the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field (Mat.9:38).

Jesus sees all these people with their future destinies at stake. We have His heart and He compels us to pray that these may come to know Him. He commissioned us to carry the Gospel. He sends us out pointing the way to the cross. He wants us to tell them, “Jesus cares, He loves you.”

Have you ever let your mall trip be something other than shopping? Have you ever sat on a bench and watched the people pass by? Have you ever thought, “How many of these know Jesus?” Did you ever ask Him to let you be the one to speak for Him? Have you felt His compassion down deep in your soul for those who live without Him? Do you just ever want to tell others that they don’t have to live one more minute without Him?

We are His hands, feet, and mouth, and He says, “Reach one, for Me.”

Father, I feel Your heart of compassion today. Show me how to reach others. Give me an opportunity to touch a life for Jesus. Let me be a shining light to someone today. Here am I send me. All glory to Jesus.

    December 8, 2022


      Julie Chauvin
      December 9, 2022

      Thank you! Praying to reach one for Him today. Have a blessed day, Julie

    Brenda Marie
    December 8, 2022

    Praying always for miracles in our families for salvation for those who love Jesus.Praying for those who are lost that they may be saved.

      Julie Chauvin
      December 9, 2022

      Yes I am praying and believing with you that many would be saved. In His Name 🙏
      Many blessings, Julie

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