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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

A Safety Nest

Spring has sprung! It is so invigorating to take a prayer walk in the morning sunshine. When I left the house this morning, I took a peek into my hat wreath. I could hear little chirping sounds coming from my hat on the front porch. This sweet little family of sparrows is very cozy and safe. I see a mother bird with her five babies. She has padded her nest of safety with my Maltese dog’s white fur. As I brush Snowy, I always let the fur fly away in the wind. It seems as though this little mother found the perfect mattress for her babies. These little creatures were out of the view of people and safe from any predators. She provided a safety nest for her babies.

There may be storms breaking upon our lives in various ways: financial pressures or situations that are puzzling and stressful, a health problem, disappointment in a relationship you considered precious, or maybe there have been many lonely days. We can go to our safety nest like the little birds. Our Heavenly Father has provided a place of refuge. We can run to our strong tower and find safety in the arms of our Lord Jesus. He has provided a safety nest for us too. His name represents His character. The writer of Proverbs says, “The name of the Lord is like a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe (Prov.18:10 NIV).

We are so secure with Him. We can rest in our safety nest and know He is taking care of us. His whole family is wrapped in His tower. He has provided this place of refuge where we can run to our God Who is trustworthy. The Bible says, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the Name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7).

We can trust Him. Only He provides our safe and secure place of refuge. Jesus relieves the tensions of the day as we run to Him. He reminds us that God takes care of the little sparrows and says, “Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Mat.10:31). He loves us and reassures us that He will take care of us and knows all things about us. We run to Him quickly and can rest in His safety nest knowing that we are secure with Him.

Father, You are like a strong tower. I can find refuge and safety in You. Like the little sparrow, I am safe from all harm and with You there is hope all the day long (Psalm 25:5). I love You, Father, in the Precious name of Your Son Jesus.

    March 5, 2023

    That is too sweet. Just sat down to read. The bird story was great. Thank you for the inspiring words. Been in yard this weekend cleaning the winters’ debris. The weekend was absolutely gorgeous. I enjoyed it so much and hope you did too!!😀Pat

      March 7, 2023

      Thank you Pat😊Weather is beautiful! I’m out again today enjoying God’s creation. In His Love, Julie

    March 15, 2023

    So precious! Cute little mama bird & beautiful hat!
    Pray for sunshine all week!

      March 21, 2023

      Thank you Janis! Yes! Cute Mama bird! There were eggshells on the ground! The babies are so cute & hungry! Have a great week!

    April 25, 2023

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