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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

Back Seat Rider

Have you ever ridden a bicycle built for two? As you can see the one behind the other has handlebars but only to hold onto and balance, not to help with the steering. This person is riding in tandem and has to trust the one steering with the direction they are going. Their legs are pedaling together. I watched this couple going around the park. She seemed so confident that her friend would steer the bicycle built for two on the path and get them to their destination. She could help with the pedaling but had to trust her friend with the direction, like a back seat rider. It was obvious, they had done this previously many times.

The Lord wants to steer my life, built for two. I am behind Him, “in tandem.” The Lord directs my life and I ask, “Where are we going Lord?” Even if I can’t hear His voice, He loves when I trust Him to work out the plan of direction. Even if I can’t understand the path He chose to ride down, I tell Him that He knows what is best and He will work things out for us because I share in His life and He shares in mine (Romans 8:28). He curves around and takes another bike path; one I was not expecting. This is when I have to admit that I called out to Him, “Whoa, Lord are You sure we are going there?”

Because Jesus lives in the hearts of those who belong to Him, He is in control. He is all-powerful and all-knowing and knows the direction to take to get us to our destination that He has chosen for us. He has determined our path; how then can anyone understand the direction his own life is taking? (Prov.20:24). We have His promise that if we will commit our lives to Him in whatever we do, our plans will succeed. The Lord works out everything for His own ends (Prov.16:3-4).

It is so hard to imagine why He chose me. When I remember my position in Him and live my life trusting and obeying Him, I can become a “back seat rider.” I can’t comprehend what He sees in me through His loving eyes. It is so hard to understand what He sees in me to love but on the paths, I am finally realizing; He knows me better than I know myself. He reminds me that I am special to Him and calls to me over His shoulder, “Hold on My child, the way is steep and a little bumpy but with Me you can do all things in My strength” (Phil.4:13). He reassures me that He is faithful and He will not let me fall.

Father, I am so grateful for Your presence in my heart. You are my guide and ever-present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). You loved me first and show me Your way. Your way is perfect (Psalm18:30). Show me Your path to discovering more of You. In the precious name of Jesus.

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