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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

The Creator Seen, Behind the Scenes!


Everywhere Jesus went, there was an atmosphere of peace, love, humbleness, forgiveness, healing, provision and joyful praises to His heavenly Father, the Creator seen, behind the scenes! Whatever He did in word or deed, He gave thanks to His Father (Col.3:17).

I was sitting here thinking about what this gospel has cost God. He creates continuously, forming beauty and life because that is Who He is. He literally took what the enemy meant for destruction and created beauty from it. Apostle Paul says, “If the rulers of this age had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Cor.2:8). His sacrifice of His Son on the cross is the most mind-boggling of all creation. The enemy could not fathom such a plan, the grip of the love and grace of God for all mankind!

Jesus gave all He had for His Father. He shared the love of His Father with all mankind so that we might come to know the love of His Father. He said, “Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9 NIV). Neither height nor depth can ever separate us from the love of God. We can’t imagine how he could create something beautiful out of this situation but we realize that He is the Master artist, the Author of life (Acts3:15). He can take the canvases of our lives and repair and restore. He uses our lives for His glory.

Jesus’ life was used to bring glory to His Father and in the same way our lives with Jesus brings glory to our heavenly Father. He creates something beautiful from us. When we thought all was lost, creativity was taking place behind the scene. It is obvious there is a colorful awareness of Jesus at work.

It is as though, I have awakened! “I see Your hand there Lord! That is what You were doing! I am learning to trust You even when I can’t see anything happening.”

The Psalmist David says, “Your path led through the sea, Your way through the mighty waters, though Your footprints were not seen” (Psalm 77:19).

Father, I am so glad You sent Jesus. You are concerned with all the details of my life continuously creating bringing glory and beauty even out of the enemy’s strategies. You are working all things for the good of me (Rom.8:28). All glory to the precious Name of Jesus.

    Patricia Gonzalez
    September 2, 2023

    Lovely, we need more of these devotionals. Thank you.

      September 2, 2023

      Thank you Pat. ❤️From my heart. Keeping all of us in my prayers🙏 Sign up under “Notify Me”with your email and you’ll be in my list.
      In His Love

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