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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

A Blessing in Disguise


I have always loved the flavor of many different teas. I was in the process of steeping a cup of tea, when I noticed some information on the wrapper. It said, “The first tea bags were used for organizing samples of teas for buyers, who mistakenly brewed the tea still in their tiny silk bags.” It became the most desirable way to brew tea. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It was now very easy to steep a single cup of tea or family size bags. Now it comes from the tea factories measured into sized packages and purchased in stores everywhere.

I see God’s people as the flavorful teas; specifically chosen for His very own purposes; uniquely packaged and wrapped in bodies and sent all over the world to bless others so they can become God’s special variety too. We tell others about God’s love and His greatest blessing of all, His Son, Jesus, Who is One of a kind. We share with them how He sent Jesus, packaged as a baby born in a manger, a blessing in disguise.

This wonderful baby grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men (Luke2:52). He came for all of us, straight from glory, telling us the story of the Father’s great love for us and how He yearns for us to become His very own. He came to bring redemption for every man, woman, boy and girl. He tells us that where He is from has many mansions prepared just for us (John14:2).

We are His special kind and He has given us the privilege to share this blessing in disguise with others. He loved us so much that He gave His life for us. As a line in the song goes, “I’m of a special kind, when He was on the cross, I was on His mind.” We can share His love today! We carry His sweet Holy Spirit in our earthly vessel. He prompts us to reveal Himself in us to others, casting away the disguise, and allowing Him to live His life through us.

Father, Your plan of redemption has touched my heart. It is so amazing to think of all You went through, disguising Jesus as a baby, allowing Him to grow up here with us is a demonstration of Your love that only You could accomplish. Your great matters are too wonderful for me to concern myself. Like a baby content in its mother’s arms, my soul is a baby content (Psalm 131:1-2 “The Message”). All glory to Jesus!

    April 26, 2024

    Beautiful and Thankyou.

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