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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

Changed to Fly!

When I think of the many attributes of my heavenly Father and how He is changing me by His Spirit to be like Jesus, I am so humbled. In this process, I am changed to fly!

I think of words such as His love, peace, joy, righteousness, goodness, mercy, faithfulness, kindness, grace, glory, light, truth and life.

Our heavenly Father does a transformation with us like in the metamorphosis of a butterfly. This butterfly was marvelously transformed from an ugly caterpillar into an elegant swallowtail butterfly. It is able to move about freely in flight, enjoying its new power, flitting from one flower to another flower, sipping nectar from our heavenly Father’s floral gardens.

In the same way, we are transformed into new creations, old things pass away and all things become new (2 Cor.5:17). The veil that covered our faces is removed when we turn to the Lord and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Now we reflect the Lord’s glory, and are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory which comes from the Lord, Who is the Spirit (2 Cor.3:16-18).

Our heavenly Father has set us apart as His children. He has defined who we are and all we can become in one simple word, “TRUST.” As we trust in Him, there is growth in Christ. He makes known to us the path of life. In His presence there is fullness of joy, eternal pleasures are at His right hand (Psalm 16:11).

Our hearts are attuned to Him as we sip of the nectar of His Word. We realize that He is part of our daily lives even in the little things, so intricately close that His heart is knit with ours reflecting His most precious Son, Jesus Christ. We are one with the Father and the Son by the power of His Spirit giving glory to Him.

What a beautiful butterfly you are! Fly! Higher …. Fly!

Father, I ask You to grow me up in the Lord Jesus that I might realize all the potential You have put within me. Let me develop to full maturity as I sip on the nectar of Your Word. I pray that my life will bring glory to You, in the Precious Name of Jesus.

    April 22, 2023

    Beautiful as always!❤️

      April 23, 2023

      Thank you🙏🥰🌈

    April 22, 2023

    Beautiful! ✝️

      April 23, 2023

      We are so blessed in Him. Thanks Janis🥰🙏🌈

    April 22, 2023

    Beautiful! ✝️

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