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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

Fruitful Boughs

One morning, I was driving down a street in my neighborhood, and a very impressive sight caught my eye. I saw a brick wall with a fruitful bough of oranges spilling over the wall into the street. This was such a lovely sight. It reminded me of how the Lord likes to see our lives, bearing much fruit. It was as though this orange tree was bowing its fruit.

Jesus tells us, “This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8). He desires the fruit of our lives to overflow into the lives of those in the world.

These oranges looked like they could speak and wanted to bless people. These fruits were encouraging and nurturing others in the street to partake of an orange. I imagined, if this bough could speak, what would it say?

“Please take one, hand one to your friend, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him (Psalm 34:8). I have yielded to my master’s hand and have produced so much fruit that I am a fruitful bough. His love in me is so profuse, I need to share. He has so much more to give me and I must make room for His new acts of love. Here, take some with you. Go into the streets, highways and byways. Tell them about my master and how loving He is as He lives His life through me.”

I could see people coming with baskets, loading trucks and bringing these to others further down the street. They were all chattering about the fruitful bough over the fence and how his master was so generous with him. They were so curious and all gathered at the fence asking, “Can we meet your master and can we grow beautiful fruit like you too?”

“Oh Yes,” the fruitful bough replied. “His name is Jesus. Come, put your ladder over the fence and meet Him. Master! Jesus! All these people want to meet You. They want You to make them into fruitful boughs like me!”

Father, we thank You for Jesus. He is so Awesome. His love overflows into the lives of others through us. Make us into fruitful boughs and give us fences and streets to bow our fruit, sharing Your love. All glory to Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ.

    January 24, 2023

    Amen, beautiful and well said! Your sister, Brenda Marie.

      January 24, 2023

      Thank you Sis! We are so blessed! Jesus’ love is abundant and overflowing!

      Linda Rowlen
      March 18, 2023


        March 18, 2023

        Thank you Linda! In His Love, Julie

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