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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

New Volunteer

When I woke this morning I prayed asking the Lord for new friendships and to be a part of a new volunteer ministry.

I walked into the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee and heard the doorbell. Who could that be? It was Fed Ex asking me to sign for a flower delivery. I told him I wasn’t expecting flowers. He said, “These are yours!”

I opened the box as he drove away, realizing the label was not my address but one down the street. I got ready for the day and wanted to deliver these pretties to the rightful owner while they were still cool.

It was just a few houses away. I rang the doorbell and laid the long box on the table on the porch. Before I got back to my car I noticed a lady picking up the box, waving and asking if her package had gone to my house instead? I told her, “yes, and I wanted you to have them while still fresh.” She said, “That’s so sweet of you. My daughter sends me flowers once a month, a group she belongs to.”

I told her I live in the house down her street. She said, “You bought my best friend’s house. Maryanne and I had a meal delivery ministry through our church. Come inside, I’ll get you my card. If you ever want to volunteer your time delivering food, maybe occasional to start? She said, “You pray about it.” I said, “I already did and here I am.”

JESUS brought me flowers, a new friend and a volunteer ministry this morning.

I found so many scriptures about volunteers. The Lord has brought to my attention, His love and blessing on the “volunteer.”

I love how He found willing people to go where he sends them and do work willingly. In Judges 5:9, His heart goes out with the willing volunteers among the people.

Father, I ask You to show me where I’m needed that I might volunteer my service and be a blessing to others and give praise and glory to You, in the Name of Jesus.

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