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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

Peace and Quiet

Have you ever heard it said? “Don’t lose your peace.” Or, “I just want some peace and quiet.” In this constantly noisy world, full of interruptions, aggravations, sadness, busyness, hustle and bustle, it would seem like we need to plan when we are going to get that peace.

We probably think of a time of peace when we can go on vacation like many of us will do this summer. Maybe, you and your family will take in some entertainment at an amusement park or maybe you’ll plan a trip this winter, to go to a little private chalet in the snow-capped mountains of Colorado or Switzerland. My dream of a vacation is waking up in a beach house, in about mid-June. I can hear the seagulls and the waves of the ocean roaring and crashing, (oops, for lack of better words). I didn’t mean to break the peace and silence. That’s it! Most of us think we need silence to have peace. You know what? Jesus has the answer for that too. He says, “My peace, I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

Father, I am so glad I have You. You give me such peace in my heart that only You can give. In the midst of chaos and even when things around me are spinning around, I feel your presence in my heart. You are the Prince of Peace. Thank You for Jesus.

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