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Julie's Devotions

Julie's Devotions

To GOD be the Glory

When You Have Had Enough

I have lived long enough to realize what the “enough’s” are in this world. These are big things to us. Have you had enough of the “enough’s?” When we think of “enough’s,” we usually think of stressful situations, depression, bad health, poor choices, noisy neighbors, inconsiderate drivers, failed recipes, bugs and mice, critical words, being misunderstood, rainy picnics, all work and no play, mean people, demanding bosses, deadlines, bad attitudes, bad news, unrealistic expectations, people taking and never giving, etc….

A line in the song says, “Stop This World and Let Me Off.” Can you relate? When I was raising my children, doing all the things Moms do, sometimes I would get so busy; I hardly had any time for myself. I would try to copy television commercials, to express to them, how I was feeling at the moment. Do you remember the Calgon commercial about a relaxing bubble bath? Well, I got my commercials mixed up and said, “Cascade, take me away!” They all knew that is a dishwasher detergent. We laughed and laughed until there was no more tension and no need for a bubble bath to remove the tension.

I think back to when Jesus walked the earth. He didn’t have bubble baths or dishwashers. He came here to this earth, walking dirt streets in His sandals. He got down in the dirt and stress of this world. He saw what we see; the sick, the poor, the thieves, the murderers, people possessed by demonic powers of darkness, the inconsiderate donkey and camel riders, the bad choices, insects eating the vegetation, people misunderstanding Him, demands, critical words shot at Him, slander, etc…

This is why He came. I can just hear Him say, “I have seen and heard enough! Stop this world and let me on. I have to go to them and show them the way out.” He tells us, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

He wants to reassure us that we should be of good cheer. He experienced firsthand and feet in the dirt with us when He came to this earth. He is the kind of God that knows of all your “enough’s,” because He lives in your heart. Whisper to Him. Tell Him, you have had enough. I can just hear Him say, “I Am your God, Who lives in your heart. I Am more than enough.”

Father, I have had enough. I am so glad; Jesus came and understands firsthand what I am going through. You have all the answers to my “enough’s.” I give it all to You because You have overcome the world. All praise and glory to Jesus!

    January 4, 2023

    So True and well said. Enjoyed the reading. Praise the Lord..

      Julie Chauvin
      January 11, 2023

      Thank you Marie!

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